Enroll in a Research Study

Autism Spectrum Disorder Study

    Brain and Behavioral Studies of Autism: The BRAIN Lab team is seeking individuals 5-35 years old for our studies of brain and behavioral development in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Individuals with ASD and individuals without ASD may participate.

    • Volunteers will complete tests of motor skills and thinking abilities at KU in Lawrence and at KU Medical Center in Kansas City.
    • Some studies also involve tests of brain function at the University of Kansas medical Center in Kansas City. These tests are non-invasive and not involve any radiation.
    • Participation may involve up to 11 hours of testing over the span of multiple visits. Each visit will last between 2-4 hours.
    • Volunteers will be compensated for their time
    • If you are interested in participating please fill out this form: Enroll for ASD study now

    FMR1 Premutation Carrier Studies:

    The BRAIN lab is seeking individuals ages 60-75 years for our studies of behavioral and brain changes during aging in healthy individuals and individuals with premutations of the Fragile X gene, FMR1. Both individuals with and without the premutation are eligible to participate.

    • Volunteers will complete a blood draw, MRI, and tests of motor skills and thinking abilities. Our MRI tests look at brain structure and brain function and are non-invasive and do not involve any radiation.
    • Testing will involve 2-4 visits to our labs at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City and KU-Lawrence. These visits will last 2-4 hours depending on availability.
    • Volunteers will be compensated for their time; travel reimbursement may be available.
    • If you are interested in participating please fill out this form: Enroll for FXTAS study now


    Pimavanserin for Behavioral Inflexibility Study

    The BRAIN Lab team is seeking individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ages 16-40 years to participate in a study on the effects of the medication Pimavanserin on behavioral inflexibility and restrictive repetitive behaviors.

    • Volunteers will complete a variety of tasks including study questionnaires, medical evaluations, and tests of behavioral inflexibility.
    • The trial medication (Pimavanserin) will be administered by the study team during select visits and at home during the latter portion of the study. Visits will range in duration    from 1-6 hours, and will be spread over the course of 8-12 weeks.
    • Study activities will be completed at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, KS
    • Volunteers will be compensated for their time.

    If you would like to speak with the research team about any of our studies, please feel free to contact us directly via phone (785-864-4461) or email (brainlab@ku.edu).